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Santiago Tianguistenco

7.4 / 10

Santiago Tianguistenco, often just simply called Tianguistenco, is a city and municipality located in Mexico State about thirty km south of the state capital of Toluca. It is located in the southwest part of the Valley of Toluca at the edge of the Ajusco mountain range that separates it from Mexico City. The name Tianguistenco (Tyanguistengko) is from Nahuatl and means “at the edge of the tianguis,” which is a traditional Aztec market. Leer más

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Santiago Tianguistenco Puntuación en las redes sociales:
7.4 / 10
  Este valor se basa en el número de visitas, en el número de "checkins", y en el número de "likes" en Facebook en los últimos meses.
Mayor actividad en febrero:
Santiago Tianguistenco tiene un total de 110811 visitas ("checkins") y 16906 "likes".